What We Do


We advise organizations seeking growth, consolidation, turnaround and/or sustainability. We offer world class advice that goes beyond their immediate needs. We impact are able to. Our clients value clarity and objectivity of our advice.

  • Strategy – planning/ development/execution

  • Policy – development/ dialogue/implementation

  • Corporate Governance

  • Leadership-coaching, mentoring, succession

  • planning, assessment centre

  • Corporate Communication

  • Business Development- compaigns, long drawn/

  • ongoing support

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • (CSR) & Creating Shared Value

  • (CSV)

  • Government relations- management

  • Market Research

  • Business Planning

  • Valuations, Due Diligence, Feasibilities, Forecasting

  • Organizational Design

  • Organizational Development

  • Reorganization & Restructuring

  • Transaction Advisory

  • Change Management/Cultural

  • Turnarounds

  • Operations – management, outsourcing, turnaround

  • ICT – strategy, planning, business integration

  • Public Private Partnerships

  • Business Process Management (incl Business Process Re- engineering)

  • Human Resource Management- talent acquisition & retention, policies and procedures Financial Management -debt, equity, corporate finance, project finance, trade finance, investments

  • Energy – entire project development cycle of power projects, arranging debt/equity, deal identification and sourcing, evaluation of existing/target assets


Our business case for professionally managed outsourced services is simple: Cost reduction and quality improvement. With international presence across boundaries, we are able to leverage learnings, best practices, deeper understanding of markets and cross border competitive advantages to the benefit of clients. Business led solutions to organizations across corporate, government and social sectors is central to our holistic approach of value added services where you choose and steer the direction of your strategy, processes, departments, and disciplines in highly flexible, discrete and target oriented culture.


Human Capital is at the heart of sustainable competitive advantage for organizations. Through learning and development, we encourage, instill and harness human capital through a wide variety of different formats; all designed and targeted for achievement of the stated objectives of clients.

Traditional service offerings
  • Customized Trainings (in house/out bound)

  • Workshops

  • Focus Group Discussions

  • Round tables

  • Dialogues

  • Networking Events

  • Annual Events

  • Corporate Away-Days/ Retreats/Refreshers

  • Coaching

  • Mentoring

  • Case Study

  • Role plays

  • Team Exercises/Activities

  • Blended Learning

Perspectives- signature trainings
  • signature

  • promote

  • listening

  • action

  • innovative

  • at the center stage who engage and network for a purpose, and unleash their critical thinking, oratory, and cognitive skills in conducive environment and company.

  • Generating clarity and creating difference distinguish its approach.

  • With free flowing information and boundary-less communities, its time to re-think learning.

  • interactive dialogue,

  • learning, Solution the events

  • networking and oriented and

  • combine Presentation,

  • Group Discussion, Round Table, Activity & Reasoning that challenge you to explore your voice in an exquisitely designed experience …

  • If you’re looking for interactive, purposeful & cutting edge debate, information and critical thinking, join us at Perspectives!!


We create magic through words, visuals and motion picture. Through motion picture, we inspire, enchant and generate possibilities. Through documentaries, we become voice of those whose stories are untold.


We approach Technology to connect People and Processes. Whether you are a growing business or SME requiring process optimization or large conglomerate in need of business process re-engineering we offer business led solutions by integrating client needs with ICT platforms. We act as advisors to management in making the right technology choices while maintaining professional independence. We work at the cusp of ever changing business needs and cutting edge technology, and hence offer transformational solutions to clients in need of revamping business development, sales and/or key front line processes requiring out-of-box solutions spurred by technology.

Our services in technology include the following:

  • IT strategy

  • Enterprise Architecture

  • Operations and IT systems effectiveness

  • Process Transformation

  • IT Sourcing

  • Cost Optimization

  • Social Media campaigns

  • Marketing

  • IT Program Delivery

  • Information and Analytics

  • IT assurance

  • Internal Controls

  • Logistics & Supply Chain


We take a fresh look at your business, organization and the available choices. We assist you with expanding the value proposition through alternative and solutions that are simpler and easier to apply and yield superior results. We call this innovation because our eyes are set on customer satisfaction and results through means either over looked or not considered at all. Innovation places organizations in leadership and market pioneering positions to the extent of innovative solutions. We work with clients to ensure that innovation is a cross cutting discipline that runs through all our service offerings, but more specifically we offer innovation in the following areas:

  • Service concept

  • Client interface service delivery system

  • Technological Options

  • Social sector impact

Need a personalized solution?

We have a solutions for every business need contact us now.

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